The Process of Making a Lace Front Wig


Wigs have gained popularity nowadays because of their use and the benefits related to them. People wear them for several reasons, like to protect the hair from damage resulting from too much exposure to heat and other conditions. They are also worn to cover hair insecurities like hair loss and thinning of the hairline or spice up one’s look. Wigs are available in different forms example, the 613 lace front wig has lace on the front of the 360 frontal wigs, with lace everywhere. In this article, we dive into the process of making a lace front wig.

The Process of Making a Lace Front Wig

Wigs can be bought ready-made, or you can make one from the comfort of your home. Customizing some things gives it your personal touch and makes it extra special.

1. Preparation of the Band

Always bleach or change the color of the knots in the lace frontal using a solution of peroxide and water mixed together. This helps find the right color to match and blend with your scalp. The lace is usually inside the wig band, so turn it inside out and apply the solution using a tool like a knife. Avoid using bare hands. Apply evenly on both sides of the lace, then let it dry for 30 minutes or so. After drying, wash the band using shampoo and condition it for a smooth texture. Later, rinse the band and move to the next step.

2. Plucking the Lace Frontal

It is done immediately after rinsing before the hair dries up. If you took too long and it dried, spray with water from a spray bottle to make it dump. Find somewhere to place the hair, preferably a mannequin or a wig stand. Pluck the hair strands behind its hairline evenly. Be careful not to touch the hairline, as plucking from it may cause bald patches.

3. Creating the Lace Front Wig

Tools such as black threads, pins, a wig comb, white cap mesh, elastic band curved, and straight needles are needed to facilitate the process. Ensure your mannequin is sturdy, then place the wig cap on it. Place the band on the front part of the cap, from ear to ear, then pin it to remain in place. Using a needle and thread, make stitches on the band where the hair and lace meet. After fixing the frontal lace and making sure it’s firm, sew the hair in from the back. Stitch from side to side, forming a semi-circle till you reach the top. Remove any excess hair, then fix the wig combs for support when wearing.

4. Installation Process

Have your hair in cornrows to keep the wig flat. Trim the lace by following your hairline, ensuring the wig’s hairline is similar to yours—style as desired.


Constructing a lace front wig is easy using the process above. Determine the length and color you want, then begin the procedure. When done, style it either by parting the front, letting it all down, or making a low ponytail.


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