Corporate Packaging Box 4 Ways to Make a Box Stand Out

Corporate Packaging Box

Let’s begin with a simple question, what is your corporate packaging box like? This question is very important because after you have gotten lots of orders, quality products alone are not enough.

Your branded corporate box needs to be well designed. Many entrepreneurs are short of company packaging ideas which makes it impossible to create the right impression. We will address this issue in this post.

Why does corporate packaging with a box matter?

There are tons of videos talking about packaging on the internet today. This should be a pointer telling you that corporate packaging is a very important subject. If you read about packaging, you will notice the statistics that show how important a corporate packaging box is.

The packaging is a major aspect of customer experience which is why you cannot use a poorly branded corporate box. Here are a few reasons why packaging matters:

  • It influences the perception of your brand. 

This is why you must be on top of your game when it comes to company packaging ideas. Poor ideas frame wrong impressions about your brand. Do you now see why many top brands spend excessively on the packaging?

Better corporate packaging gives your brand an upscale status which creates excitement in the customers. As the days go by, packaging becomes more influential on how brands are viewed.

Corporate Packaging Box
  • Encourages marketing through word-of-mouth.

One of the proven facts about marketing is that word-of-mouth is the most efficient marketing method. When you buy a product that you like, you are definitely going to recommend the same product to loved ones.

When you now like the packaging of that product, there is a higher chance you would become an ambassador. You are ready to speak about the brand to anyone without getting a dime in payment. 

This is the same effect your brand will have on customers if you get your company packaging ideas right. You can use this to your advantage. Simply add a short message to the inner part of your corporate packaging box. Tell the customer to tell a friend about the product, it works like magic.

Corporate Packaging Box
  • Brings back, customers.

This is one of the major reasons why you cannot afford to have a badly branded corporate box. When your packing is impeccable, you are telling the customers that you want them to come back.

People are drawn to quality so they will be drawn to your brand if it is packaged in quality. 

By now you must see that investing in top-class packaging is non-negotiable. The problem you might is finding the packaging ideas that will make your products stand out.

Corporate Packaging Box

Ways to make the packaging of your corporate box stand out

The truth is many companies face huge problems when it comes to making their boxes stand out. You must understand that the business environment is constantly evolving. This means that you have to keep up with the trends else, your products will be hidden in obscurity. 

What tactics can you employ to make your boxes stand out? We have answered this question by presenting you with four ideas in the next few paragraphs. 

Personalized inserts

Okay, so this can be really difficult, especially when you have a hundred or more orders to handle. Then you have to write a “Thank you” note to each of the customers. Despite being so stressful, we mention it first because it is also very potent.

It will get you word-of-mouth referrals, cause orders to sky-rocket, make your customers more loyal, etc. The possibilities are endless and the good thing is they don’t even cost you money most times.

There are several ideas when it comes to putting inserts into your corporate packaging box. You can customize a business card or make use of postcards. One thing you should keep in mind is that the length of the messages doesn’t really matter. What matters is the intention which keeps you up until 2 am signing inserts for orders.

You can also try review requests or some candy as inserts. They work all the time giving amazing results to retailers all over the world.

Corporate Packaging Box


Whoever thought that using colors would be an interesting choice when it comes to company packaging ideas? As trivial as colors may seem, they are very potent when it comes to marketing and branding.

The truth about getting a branded corporate box to show off your company colors is you don’t have to print. All you need to do is find a set of boxes that have the same color as your brand. If you cannot find any, work with the ones that are closest in color.

Don’t leave the color outside the box, ensure that it continues into the box. Make sure it matches the color of your ribbon, insert card, order form, and product label. You have to be intentional about this.

Corporate Packaging Boxes

Making use of unusual materials for your corporate packaging box

Most times, we are tempted to look for the costlier packaging items like luxe papers and fancy ribbons. They are great but you also need to consider your budget, especially if you are still a smaller retailer.

You can get items that cost way cheaper since their effectiveness lies in your creativity. Don’t hold yourself back because of the materials you have at your disposal.

Instead, allow your mind to become more creative with these distinct packaging materials. Some of the cheaper but effective items include wallpapers, aluminum foil, twine, yarn, butcher paper, etc. 

Corporate Packaging Box

Strategically using stickers

Let’s share a little secret about stickers with you. Also, stickers can make branded corporate boxes look better. It all depends on how you design your stickers and how you place them.

Stickers are very attractive so on their own, they will create impressions. Then you cannot leave out the fact that printing stickers are a very cheap investment. You can turn around the look of your boxes with stickers (know more).


We have shown you how to make your corporate packaging box look better in this post. You have also learned the importance of top-notch company packaging ideas. What other ways do you think you can make boxes stand out? Share them with Zigpac in the comments section.


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